Unlock the Power of Inclusive Progress
With The Six Stages Framework

The word is spreading about the Six Stages Framework. More and more people are talking about it! Read more here for the evidence.

72 people have signed onto the next free Eventbrite seminar : In what ways do we discriminate? Inclusion Discrimination Profiles. It’s on 2nd November at 7pm BST.

Why not come and join us, we have some great discussions. When people register for the event I ask them how they heard about the seminar and it’s amazing how the word is spreading about Six Stages Framework and more people are hearing about it through friends and colleagues and social media. It’s also being recommended on various organisational and university websites!

These seminars attract people of all colours and ethnicities, from all over the world with the highest numbers being from Canada, USA and UK. They attract all types of people and professionals at all levels including DEI/ EDI consultants.

Don’t miss out on these life changing conversations.

Picture below is that of my book being presented by my publisher Maria Carter BSc MSc (CIEP Advanced Professional) at the Frankfurt book fair.

I now have 148 followers on Eventbrite a sign that people are loving and getting value from the seminars and are telling their friends and colleagues about it. 🎉


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Check out my book


Eventbrite seminars


#DEI #PersonalDevelopment #SixStagesFramework #Discriminations #Antiracism #biases #WhitePrivilege#LGBTQ #Gender #Disability #DiversityAndInclusion #BuildingBridgesOfEmpathy#PrejudiceRacismSpectrum

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List of Services

  • Executive Leadership coaching from £250/ hour
  • EDI Supervision and support £130/hour
  • Diversity Equity and Inclusion Coaching £150/hour
  • Bespoke Diversity & Inclusion Training from £2000/day
  • Race and mental health coaching £120
  • Anti racism expert affidavits starts from £800
  • Individual diversity assessments- inclusion profiles (prices vary)
  • Organisational diversity assessments (prices vary)
  • Psychological assessment for anti racism claims starts from £1,400

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If you would like to know more about what we can offer then please get in touch and let us know what you are looking for.

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