Unlock the Power of Inclusive Progress
With The Six Stages Framework

Ekua Cant and Dr Shungu Hilda M’gadzah invite HR leaders to reflect on how to embrace leadership and create a truly inclusive working culture.

“When we are in the workplace we learn to walk the walk and talk the talk in line with our organisational values and expectations.

We proudly wear #mask or faces that communicate acceptance and #tolerance of all people, regardless of their #ethnicity and racial background.

The question is: how many of us keep these masks/faces on when we go home?” (M’gadzah, 2023)

Ekua Cant and Dr Shungu Hilda M’gadzah invite HR leaders to reflect on how to embrace #leadership and create a truly #inclusive working #culture.


Read the full article here:



Check out our Anti-racism Personal Development Workshops

These workshops attract an global audience from all professional groups and at all levels. Great opportunity to reflect and review where you and your organisation are in your journery towards understanding and dealing with racism#antiracistorganisation

Check out “LEVEL 1: UNDERSTANDING & DEALING WITH EVERYDAY RACISM- SIX STAGES FRAMEWORK” https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/level-1-understanding-dealing-with-everyday-racism-six-stages-framework-tickets-258767409287?aff=estw&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-source=tw&utm-term=listing


#whiteprivilege #Racism #Stereotypes #Unconsciousbias #Discriminations #Biases #DEI #inclusionprofiles

#HR #antiracist #masksoftolerance #personaldevelopment #HRzone #sixstagesdiversityframework#racialdiscrimination #policetraining #toolkit #diversity #psychologist #values #beliefs #perceptions #realities#goverment #schools #university #business #prejudiceracismspectrum #cavesofprivilege

#mask#ethnicity#leadership#HR#tolerance#inclusive#culturee #masking#Dei #sixstagesframework#prejudiceracismspectrum #masksoftolerance #prejudice #bridgesofempathy #inclusionprofiles #inclusion #masking



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  • Race and mental health coaching £120
  • Anti racism expert affidavits starts from £800
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  • Psychological assessment for anti racism claims starts from £1,400

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