Unlock the Power of Inclusive Progress
With The Six Stages Framework


As we limber up to our EDI & Annual Six Stages Framework Conference, I saw this post and could not help thinking about the Six Stages Framework! Firstly, thank you Bethany Samson for this post. I hope you will not mind me looking at your story through the lenses of the 6Stages Framework. [And what […]

🎶 I am no Stormzy but I do my part! 🎶 Let’s take time to celebrate those leaders who work silently around us.

🎶 I am no Stormzy but I do my part! 🎶 I was so inspired watching Stormzy’s mum, I want to dance around and sing too! https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jordan-jarrett-bryan-9377b39b_anyone-who-knows-me-knows-im-fascinated-activity-7203290083729231872-vxNi?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop Let’s take time to celebrate those leaders who work silently around us. So good to see such positive role models and leaders within the Black community. 👏🏾 The […]

From Universities to Gaza and Israel, to walking around whilst openly Jewish or Black. When no where is safe and thousands of innocent children are dying…

   In this article and the Youtube video below I reflect on the situation in Gaza and the experiences of Jewish and Black People in the UK, the importance of speaking up and the reasons we fail to do so. Youtube https://youtu.be/JIkHzHy-g0M Podcast https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/shungu-hilda-mgadzah/episodes/From-Universities-to-Gaza-and-Israel–to-walking-around-whilst-openly-Jewish-or-Black–When-no-where-is-safe-and-thousands-of-innocent-children-are-dying-e2k5vso Blog https://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/post/from-universities-to-gaza-and-israel-to-walking-around-whilst-openly-jewish-or-black-when-no-where Linkedin article https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/from-universities-gaza-israel-walking-around-whilst-openly-m-gadzah-j6nwe From Universities to Gaza and Israel, […]

Podcast: If Racism Was a Virus….Lessons from the Pandemic

Podcast: If Racism was a virus

Here it is the long awaited podcast! Each episode will feature Dr. Shungu H. M’gadzah, Psychologist and Antiracism Expert and Raphael D. Aboyeji, biologist. The podcast is produced by Gari Gono, producer of No Brown in Town. https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/shungu-hilda-mgadzah/episodes/If-Racism-was-a-Virus—-Lessons-from-the-COVID-19-Pandemic–The-Six-Stages-Diversity-Framework-by-Dr-Shungu-H–Mgadzah-e255jq1 Podcast Episode 1: Understanding How Racism is like a Virus This podcast explores the concept If Racism […]

Black special needs kids failed by schools

Six Stages Diversity Framework Book Cover

“Parents reveal struggle to get assessment and support”   I  am so pleased to have been able to contribute to this news story and to be interviewed by Sinai Fleary, Journalist @TheVoiceNews Check out the article https://www.voice-online.co.uk/news/features-news/2023/03/03/black-special-needs-kids-failed-by-schools/#.ZAHWts-e2N9.twitter It really does feel like the cogs in the wheel have started turning in unveiling some of the […]

Consultation Document: If Racism was a Virus

If racism was a virus

I would welcome your thoughts on this book/article. Comments down below or Email: I have been working on this book/article and I’ve decided to publish it as a consultation document. I hope this will enable discussion and consideration of the issues especially around expanding our thinking around racism. In writing this article I am […]

How can we create a workplace where ‘masks of tolerance’ do not exist?

Ekua Cant and Dr Shungu Hilda M’gadzah invite HR leaders to reflect on how to embrace leadership and create a truly inclusive working culture. “When we are in the workplace we learn to walk the walk and talk the talk in line with our organisational values and expectations. We proudly wear #mask or faces that […]

Black teens misdiagnosed with aggression/ hostility disorders when depressed, anxious or traumatised

Black teens misdiagnosed with aggression/ hostility disorders when depressed, anxious or traumatised

Many thanks Matt Richtel for this post. https://www-nytimes-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/www.nytimes.com/2022/12/13/health/adolescents-mental-health-psychiatry.amp.html https://www.linkedin.com/posts/shunguhildamgadzah_when-black-psychiatrists-reach-out-to-teens-activity-7009619207084457984-mh3_?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop For many years myself and other black psychologists (and a few white psychologists) have been raising the issues of differential diagnosis relating to black and ethnic minority children. In the year 2000, I co-edited a professional journal highlighting some of these issues- link below. I have […]

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  • Executive Leadership coaching from £250/ hour
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  • Diversity Equity and Inclusion Coaching £150/hour
  • Bespoke Diversity & Inclusion Training from £2000/day
  • Race and mental health coaching £120
  • Anti racism expert affidavits starts from £800
  • Individual diversity assessments- inclusion profiles (prices vary)
  • Organisational diversity assessments (prices vary)
  • Psychological assessment for anti racism claims starts from £1,400

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